
TCU 隐私 of Information Policy

存储在计算机系统中或通过网络以电子方式发送的信息是最重要的 property of the individual who created it. Examination of that 信息 without 所有者的授权是对所有者控制其财产的权利的侵犯 她自己的财产. Systems administrators, however, may gain access to user’s files 当需要维护或防止对系统的损害或确保合规性时 with other University rules.

计算机系统和网络为保护私人信息提供了机制 从考试. 的se mechanisms are necessarily imperfect and any attempt to circumvent 他们为了获得未经授权的访问私人信息(包括存储的 计算机文件和通过网络传输的信息)将被视为违规 of privacy and may subject a violator to disciplinary action.

一般来说,所有者合理地认为属于隐私的信息必须保密 treated as 私人 by other users. Examples include the contents of electronic mail 盒子,个人用户的私人文件存储区域,和信息存储 in other areas that are not public. That measures have not been taken to protect such 信息 does not make it permissible for others to inspect it.

在共享和联网的计算机系统上,有关用户及其用户的某些信息 activities is visible to others. Users are cautioned that certain accounting and directory 信息(例如,用户名和电子邮件地址),某些记录 的文件名和已执行的命令,以及存储在公共区域的信息,则不是 私人. 尽管如此,此类bc体育其他用户的不安全信息绝不能被操纵 in ways that they might reasonably find intrusive; for example, eavesdropping by computer 对他人行为的系统监控可能会被视为入侵 of privacy that would be cause for disciplinary action.

Collection of Information by TCU

TCU没有系统地收集或记录姓名,邮政或电子邮件地址,电话 号码、性别认同或其他个人识别资料(“个人资料”) 除非这些数据是由访问者自愿提交的 the purposes outlined below.


TCU将保留您的资料,只要它是必要的,以满足目的 它被收集起来. We may also retain your records to fulfill a legitimate interest or if legally required to do so.


在互联网上传输数据不能保证完全安全. TCU提供信息访问,以促进其使命,同时保持 the privacy and accuracy of that 信息. 的 信息 security policy 概述了个人以及教务组的权利和责任 pertaining to 信息 access, storage and delivery.


大学的网站不会自动收集或储存来自以下人士的个人资料 访问者访问该网站,而不是记录您的IP地址和会话信息. 会话 信息包括您访问网站的时间和持续时间、所要求的文件、 使用的浏览器. This 信息 will only be accessed by authorized persons of the University or its agents. 的 信息 will be retained by the University 并且只会用于(a)管理TCU网页网络,(b) identification of broken links, and (c) for statistical and audit purposes.

Cookies and Aggregate Information

TCU使用“饼干”(例如.e., a small text file that is sent to your browser from the Site) to improve your return access and visits 进入本网站. TCU可以使用 饼干 自定义内容,分析网站活动和用户行为,包括,不 限制,通过谷歌分析人口统计和兴趣报告,并为 广告及促销用途(详见“以兴趣为本的广告”) 下图). TCU reserves the right to use 饼干 in the future in conjunction with new or extended functionalities.

TCU可汇编及提供有关网站访客、客户、销售、 交通模式和相关信息提供给第三方,但这些信息将 not specify Personal Data. TCU collects IP addresses as a component of such aggregate 信息. Such 信息 could, if necessary, be used to identify a user in order to comply with safety or security issues.

您可以将您的浏览器设置为在收到cookie时通知您(让您选择) 是否接受它)或完全禁止cookie,而不阻止您的访问 进入本网站.


谷歌分析是谷歌的分析工具,帮助网站和应用程序所有者理解 how their visitors engage with their properties. It may use a set of 饼干 to collect 信息和报告网站使用统计数据,无需个人识别 谷歌的访问者. 的 main cookie used by 谷歌分析 is the ‘__ga’ cookie.

TCU使用 谷歌分析 监控web网络性能和识别用户体验问题的数据 page content and code quality.


您可能偶尔会被要求提供个人信息以获得访问特定网站的权限 服务.

敏感个人信息(SPI)定义为个人的姓名、地址、 or telephone number combined with any of the following:

  • Social security number or taxpayer ID number
  • Credit or debit card number
  • 金融/薪资数据
  • 驾驶执照号码
  • 出生日期
  • Medical or health 信息 protected under HIPAA
  • 生物特征标记(e.g. fingerprint, retina, voice, heartbeat, grip)
  • Student related data protected under FERPA

除非根据大学的政策和程序或规定,SPI不会被披露 legal disclosure requirements. SPI will be protected and secured in accordance with standards outlined in the TCU SPI策略. Any exceptions will be explained at the point of collection.

Interest-Based Advertising

TCU可能会提供某些第三方服务提供商,包括谷歌分析(分析) 再营销,与它已获得的cookie,以便该服务提供商 在用户访问的其他网站上通知、优化和提供广告服务 such user's prior visits 进入本网站. TCU directs these service providers to not use 所提供的饼干并非用于提供广告服务 explicitly requested by TCU.

You can opt out of certain service providers' use of 饼干. 例如,谷歌 允许你 register your preferences. 谷歌分析 also provides an 可选的附加组件 对于你的浏览器.

的 Self-Regulatory Program for Online Behavioral AdvertisingDigital Advertising AllianceNetwork Advertising Initiative 是否有网站允许你注册你的选择,选择不接收基于兴趣的信息 advertisements from certain companies that participate in such initiatives.


TCU partners with Evertrue, Inc. to monitor user engagement with select University 脸谱网页面. 的 data reported to TCU by Evertrue is provided by the 脸谱网 图. 有关 data captured by 脸谱网 并提供给脸谱网 图是由你的脸谱网隐私设置.

Donor/Constituent 隐私通知

有关本校校友、捐款人及朋友的详细资料,请 请参阅我们的 University Advancement Donor / Constituent 隐私通知.

Notice for European Union (EU) Residents

如果您位于欧洲经济区(EEA), TCU承认您的权利 granted to you under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 在某些情况下, 对于收集的您的个人资料,您可能还享有以下权利 and used in EEA processing activities:

  • Right to be informed about the processing of your personal data
  • Right to obtain access to your personal 信息 held by TCU
  • 有权要求更正不正确、不准确或不完整的个人资料
  • 当TCU不再需要保留您的资料时,有权删除您的资料 it
  • 限制或反对处理您的个人信息的权利,包括 sending communications that may be considered direct-marketing materials
  • Right to data portability
  • 在适用的情况下反对自动决策和分析的权利

For additional 信息, please refer to the European Economic Area 隐私通知.


如对个人资料的私隐或安全有任何疑问、意见或疑虑,请 you may contact our 信息安全 Officer, Mr. 亚伦穆尼奥斯. 他也一直 被指定为数据保护官,负责与GDPR相关的查询.

信息安全 Officer


Any questions concerning this policy should be directed to: security@phptrick.com.
